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Sacked Public Works Ministry workers reinstated

19 Dec 2021 - 13:45
19 Dec 2021 - 13:45

KABUL (Pajhwok): The Ministry of Public Works has launched some projects and reinstated 270 employees fired by the previous government.

Deputy Minister of Public Work Maulvi Bakht Rahman Sharafat told a press conference in Kabul that work on development schemes signed by the Islamic Emirate was underway.

These seven projects worth 112 million afs are aimed at rehabilitation of roads and bridges in some provinces.

Some of the schemes had been completed, the deputy minister reporters at the Government Media and Information Centre (GMIC) here.

About progress on the schemes initiated by the previous regime, he said: “We have two types of projects. Those dependent on donor funding are suspended at the moment.

“The Islamic Emirate is making efforts to resume work on these projects. On the second type of projects, those funded by the government, work is underway.”

Referring to the closure of roads by snowfall, he said of the 300 such points identified, eight were vital.

Contracts worth 40 million afs had been inked with some companies to make sure the eight points were not blocked by snow, he explained.

Sharafat slammed the removal of some employees by the ex-government as an unfair move and said a committee had been tasked with reinstating them. So far, 270 employees have been reinstated and the process is ongoing.

Pajhwok Afghan News had earlier published a report regarding the forced retirement of 270 employees and the removal of some other staffers of the Ministry of Public Works.


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