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Kabul condemns blasphemous remarks of BJP official

Kabul condemns blasphemous remarks of BJP official

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6 Jun 2022 - 10:14
Kabul condemns blasphemous remarks of BJP official
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6 Jun 2022 - 10:14

KABUL (Pajhwok): The interim Afghan government, like other Mulism nations, has strongly condemned derogatory words against Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) by an official of the Indian ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

The government’s spokesperson, Zabihullah Mujahid, wrote on his Twitter handle: “The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan strongly condemns the use of derogatory words against the Prophet of Islam (Peace be upon him) by an official of the ruling party in India.”

He said: “We urge the Indian government not to allow such fanatics to insult the holy religion of Islam and provoke the feelings of Muslims.”

According to Al Jazeera, Nupur Sharma, BJP national spokeswoman, is reported to have insulted the prophet and his wife Aisha in a TV debate last week.”

Following an outcry over the comments made during the debate, Sharma’s colleague Jindal is reported to have posted a now-deleted tweet about the prophet that also angered many.

India’s ambassadors to Kuwait and Qatar were summoned on Sunday to receive official notes of protest over the comments, and Pakistan’s ministry of foreign affairs issued a statement condemning the “highly derogatory remarks” and the BJP’s response.

“These totally unacceptable remarks have not only deeply hurt the sentiments of the people of Pakistan but of billions of Muslims around the world,” the foreign ministry said in a statement.



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