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AFF asked to support young football players

AFF asked to support young football players

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12 Sep 2023 - 17:05
AFF asked to support young football players
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12 Sep 2023 - 17:05

KABUL (Pajhwok): Some football players have asked the Afghanistan Football Federation (AFF) to support them and hunt new talent.

AFF also pledged full support to the players in different parts of the country.

Yama Wafa, a player of the Hunarhaei Zeba Institute in Kabul with 15 years of experience in Football, said there was need for more local tournament to be organized and importance should be given to them.

He said in the past two years positive and negative changes had occurred in the country’s football, adding that more importance should be given to the youth and their talent so they could earn pride for the country.

He said Afghanistan’s football level was very down in the world but if opportunity is provided for the talented youth they could improve themselves and the level of our football.

He recalled Afghanistan Premier League annually organized and currently it is not being held which could leave negative impact on the country’s football.

Wali Mohammad Hamidi, member of the Hunarhae Zeba team, said from the past eight years he was playing football. The AFF ignore football players and there is no facilities provided to the local football players.

Asadullah Muradi, one of the Maihan Club’s players in Sar-i-Pul province, said that AFF official should pay attention to the football players and encourage them.

Farhad Nasimi, a football coach, said that talent hunt start from the grounds and urged local players should be given chance to play in the national team.

He said AFF officials should participate in the local tournaments and from there they should attract players for the national team.

He added in the past two years more positive changes had occurred in the country’s football.

Din Mohammad Safi, senior advisor of the AFF, told Pajhwok Afghan News after the political change in the country at least 285 football players along with the AFF secretary general had left the country, some of them were not sportspersons.

He said the AFF organized itself according to the FIFA standards and during meetings with the world football body it assured that money provided to them will not go in the pocket of acting Afghan government.

He said the AFF conducted 22 international visits in the past two years and it has football ties with 211 countries.

He assured despite lack of resources the AFF moral support for national teams was there and greater development schemes had been put in place

He said: “The “Attack Energy” team, having global standards, will participate in club competitions at the Asian level, representing Afghanistan, and the Afghanistan Premier League will start again soon.”

Safi pledged the AFF support for from domestic tournaments and added players from local tournaments are also picked for the national teams.

This comes that the Fall Football Tournament of the Education Department kicked off in which 14 school’s teams are participating.


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