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Abdullah concerned about refugees in Pakistan


Presiding over the maiden meeting of the new cabinet, the CEO said: “Problems facing Afghan refugees in Pakistan have become serious that demands our attention.”

He said the refugees were living under tough conditions in the neighbouring country and a delegation would be sent to Pakistan after its approval from President Ashraf Ghani to talk to Pakistani authorities in this regard. 

Earlier, the International Organization for Migration massacre at the Army Public School Peshawar in December.

There are an estimated three million Afghan refugees living in Pakistan either officially or unofficially, most of whom left their country to escape conflict in the 1980s and 1990s.

According to the government of Pakistan, 1.6 million Afghan have been living in there legally and as many without legal documents. In addition, Iran is hosting 2.4 million Afghan refugees, including 1.4 undocumented.

The council of ministers also discussed the country’s security situation at the meeting.

Abdullah said the unity government was committed to ensuring peace and stability in the country with the help of masses. The interior and defence ministers briefed the council about the security situation.




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