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Provincial council complains of ministries for not helping

Provincial council complains of ministries for not helping

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25 Dec 2011 - 22:55
Provincial council complains of ministries for not helping
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25 Dec 2011 - 22:55

KANDAHAR (PAN): Members of provincial council of southern Kandahar province complained relevant ministries were not paying attention to problems of their directorates as around 10 of them were managed by the acting directors.

Muhammad Ahsan, deputy head and acting director of provincial council while criticizing Members of Parliament (MPs), told Pajhwok Afghan News, they were not solving that problem while the council members were losing confidence of the people gradually.

“I have also shared the problem with the directors of provincial councils from all over the country, gathered in central Capital Kabul, some time ago,” he said, adding one of the biggest demands of people of the province was the construction of Dahla Dam, but they had no response from the concerned ministry.

They needed the construction of roads from provincial capital city to other districts, a national park in the city, a play ground in Aino Mina town, solution of electricity problem, construction of banks to prevent floods in several areas, reactivation of university hospital and development of Mirwais civil hospital while all those problems were discussed with the central goverenmnt, Ahsan said.

All the members of provincial council were working together on daily basis to solve those problems of the people, but most of the local administrations still did not know about the authority of the council, that was why they faced lack of coordination, he added.

“We have also asked the Provincial Reconstruction) for financial support for the solution of these problems,” he said.

However, some of the residents of the province said when they faced any problem related to local administrations in the province, they called the members of provincial council for help but the members had disappointed them too.

Haji Muhammad Hussain, resident of provincial capital Kandahar city said although the members hear to them but did nothing.

Ahmad Wali Karzai, brother of President Karzai and former director of provincial council was solving the problems in a better way when he was alive, he said.

According to Muhammad Islam, another resident of the province said the council’s members had solved his problems sometimes, when he referred to them.




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