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Ahadi backs US-Taliban talks

KABUL talks and opposition to a federal system in the country.

A large number of party activists, representing different provinces held a gathering under the leadership of Anwarul Haq Ahadi, the Minister of Commerce and Industries, in Kabul.

Ahadi read out a statement, saying the party wanted peace through talks with the Taliban. “We have a positive view of the plan to open a Taliban liaison office in Qatar,” the minister added.

He regretted the killing of innocent Afghans, including women and children, in the ongoing conflict. He said every Afghan was duty-bound to make effort at brining stability to the country.

“We support the reintegration of the Taliban into mainstream politics, but they should renounce violence,” remarked Ahadi, formerly the central bank governor. The Afghan government should have a leading role in the peace process and that any foreign country had no right to decide the fate of Afghans, the ex-finance minister stressed.

He referred to romours that nine southern provinces would be given under Taliban’s control as part of a possible deal with the US. Ahadi said his party would intensify efforts at cementing unity among tribes and block attempts at a federal regime.


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