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30 tonnes of narcotics torched in Kandahar

30 tonnes of narcotics torched in Kandahar

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4 Mar 2012 - 18:13
30 tonnes of narcotics torched in Kandahar
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4 Mar 2012 - 18:13

KANDAHAR CITY (PAN): Narcotics weighing nearly 30 tonnes were set afire in southern Kandahar province on Sunday, officials said. Seized this year, the drugs included heroin, morphine, crystal, opium, hashish, chemical material and alcoholic beverages. 

Deputy Interior Minister Lt. Gen. Baaz Muhammad Abid, 404th Maiwand Zone Police Commander Gen. Salim Ihsas and other high-ranking officials were present on the occasion.

Abid told Pajhwok Afghan News 129 smugglers had been detained in connection with the drugs during 144 operations. He praised counternarcotics officials for the confiscation of drugs.

Governor Toryalai Weesa renewed his administration’s commitment to eradicating the poppy crop and preventing drug smuggling. Security forces had created problems for smugglers, who were the source of income and fund-raising for militants, he said.

Haj and Auqaf Director Maulvi Noorul Aziz said prayer leaders had been involved in counternarcotics campaigns. The imams asked people during sermons to avoid cultivating the illicit crop, he added.


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