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Poetry session held in Lashkargah

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18 May 2012 - 15:27
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18 May 2012 - 15:27

LASHKARGAH (PAN): A poetry session, attended by dozens of poets and writers, was held on Thursday night in the capital of southern Helmand province, officials said on Friday.

Poets from Kabul, Paktia, Khost, Maidan Wardak, Zabul, Kandahar, Kunar, Farah, Herat and Ghazni provinces and other countries took part in the event at a hotel in Lashkargah, the provincial capital.

The session was planned to have three parts — speeches, recitation of poetry and music. But the music segment  had to be skipped due to a multiplicity of poets who read out their poems.

Governor Gulab Mangal told the participants that the literary and cultural activities were steadily regaining momentum as a result of the improving security situation in Helmand.

Linguist Dr. Majaver Ahmad Ziar said Helmand, which a produced a large number of reputed writers and poets, had been a centre of civilisation. Such events helped forge unity among intellectuals, he remarked.


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