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No Eid picnic due to insecurity: Ghazni residents

No Eid picnic due to insecurity: Ghazni residents

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17 Aug 2012 - 18:25
No Eid picnic due to insecurity: Ghazni residents
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17 Aug 2012 - 18:25

GHAZNI CITY (PAN): Residents of southern Ghazni province have complained they could not go for a picnic to celebrate Eid holidays due to insecurity in several districts.

“In the past, we would go on excursion to some districts and Ghazni city during Eid days, but now the situation has changed,” a resident of the provincial capital, Ghazni city, Abdullah, 50, said.

He said before people would visit in great numbers the Sakhi Sakhi Saheb Shrine, besides other such historic places and tombs in the province on Eid day. “Male and female would participate in the picnic for six days,” he recalled.

A resident of Andar district, Hajji Abdul Karim, said they had migrated to Ghazni city due to insecurity in their hometown.

He remembered thousands of youth, elderly people and children would come for entertainment to Andar district, now the scene of daily clashes between the rebels and security forces.

“Few years back, there would be a funfair lasting a week in the Miri bazaar of Andar, with thousands of people participating and performing national dance,” he said.

For the last five consecutive years, he could not celebrate Eid at his native village for security reasons, Mahmudullah, a resident of Deh Yak, said. People can’t travel to district, fearing roadside bombing, he added.

A resident of Giru district, Lal Mohamad, said last year when he travelled to meet his relatives on Eid day, he was caught in a crossfire between the Taliban and government forces

However, security officials say tight security measures have been taken to ensure the festival passed off peacefully. Police chief Col. Zarawar Zahid assured people to celebrate the festival with religious zeal and fever without any fear.


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