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Civilians gunned down in Logar operation

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27 Jan 2013 - 10:33
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27 Jan 2013 - 10:33

PUL-I-ALAM (PAN): US Special Forces shot dead three civilians and detained two others in the Baraki Barak district of central Logar province, an official claimed on Sunday.

The deaths occurred on Saturday night when American troops fired at a civilian vehicle in front of the district headquarters, the district chief told Pajhwok Afghan News.

Eng. Mohammad Amin Fahim said the dead were brothers, who were returning home from a function in a nearby village. Having no links to any militant group, the brothers ran a blacksmith shop in the district

Angry residents and tribal elders brought the dead bodies to the district headquarters, refusing to bury them, Fahim added. However, they laid the dead to rest after the authorities promised a thoroughgoing

A source in the governor’s house, meanwhile, confirmed the civilian deaths. Requesting not to be named, the official said an investigation had been launched into the incident.

But the International Security Assistance Force said an Afghan Uniformed police patrol, operating independently, killed three suspected IED planters when they failed to stop their vehicle at a checkpoint.

“There were no ISAF forces involved in this shooting. The AUP found a weapon and IED-making material in the vehicle,” said an ISAF spokesman.

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