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Kunaris to Sharif: End cross-border attacks

Kunaris to Sharif: End cross-border attacks

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6 Jun 2013 - 17:20
Kunaris to Sharif: End cross-border attacks
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6 Jun 2013 - 17:20

KABUL Embassy in Kabul was Thursday delivered an open letter carrying signatures of thousands of residents of eastern Kunar province, urging Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to put an end to cross-border rocket attacks.

The letter had been handed over to embassy officials, said Nizamuddin Malyar, a civil society address the real causes of the conflict.

He said it had been three years that rockets and missiles were fired into eastern provinces from Pakistan. So far 40 people have been killed, scores of others wounded and 800 families displaced as a result of the cross-border shelling.

“Despite all our grievances, the war-weary people of Kunar congratulate you and your supporters on your victory in the May 11 elections,” the letter says.

The residents complained that Kunar, having a long border with Pakistan, continued to be hit with rockets and mortar shells. “Mines are being planted at doorsteps of our schools, making our children a party to the war,” the letter added.

The residents pinned their hopes on Sharif playing his role in bringing peace and stability to the people living on both sides of the Durand Line. “The fire is not extinguished, it would burn us to ashes, its flames would not let you rule,” it warned.

Another civil society activist, Syed Rahman Bikor, said Sharif should put an end to Pakistan’s two-faced policy on Afghanistan.

“On their side of the border, Taliban militants are openly trained. They have hideouts and training centres in Miranshah, Bajaur and other tribal areas,” he alleged.



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