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US may squeeze aid to Pakistan

KABUL) supply routes are closed or interrupted, news reports said on Friday.

Under the US National Defence Authorisation Bill of 2014, US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel has to certify that Islamabad is taking appropriate action against terrorists along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.

During his visit to Islamabad on December 9, Hagel reportedly pressed Pakistani leaders end the protests disrupting military shipments across the border if they wanted continued US aid worth billions of dollars.

The Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf, the ruling party in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province, has kept the Torkham supply line blocked since November 24 in protest against the US drone campaign in tribal areas.

Already approved by the House of Representatives, the new US bill includes extending funding to Pakistan for supporting the war against terrorism but with certain changes.

DawnNews reported the bill is expected to be approved by the Senate as well.

PAN Monitor/mud



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