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Protesters call for early BSA signing

Protesters call for early BSA signing

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15 Jan 2014 - 14:29
Protesters call for early BSA signing
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15 Jan 2014 - 14:29

KABUL activists held a protest demonstration in front of parliament on Wednesday demanding early inking of the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA), protesters said.

During the course of protest, the demonstrators presented a pen to President Hamid Karzai as a gift to sing the vital pact as soon as possible.

Abdul Samad Amiri, a protestor, told Pajhwok Afghan News delay in signing the bilateral agreement was creating concerns among Afghans. He said that early signing of the BSA was in larger interests of Afghanistan.

Nilofar Ibrahimi, a member of parliament, while receiving the pen promised the protesters she would hand the pen over to the chairman of the parliament who would subsequently give to the president.

Later, the protestors adopted a resolution calling upon the political parties, civil society organizations, masses and the parliament to build pressure on President Hamid Karzai to sign the security agreement without further delay.

The demonstrators vow to hold similar protests countrywide if the BSA could not be signed soon.


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