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Months after release, Dadullah rejoins family

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21 Feb 2014 - 11:03
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21 Feb 2014 - 11:03

KABUL government, an Islamabad-based newspaper reported on Friday.

A brother of Mullah in 2007, Mansoor Dadullah had been detained by Pakistani forces in southwestern Balochistan province in February 2008.

In response to requests from the Afghan government, Pakistan announced the release of a group of seven Taliban leaders, including Mansoor, in September 2013. But he was not allowed to meet his relatives.

The commander’s spokesman Baryalai Rehbarmal told The Express Tribune: “I can confirm that Mansoor Dadullah has now rejoined his family and friends and he also spoke to me on the phone.”

Rehbarmal would not say where the commander’s family is currently living. Suffering from a kidney condition, Mansoor is said to be under medical treatment.

Since November 2013, Pakistan has released nearly 60 Afghan Taliban prisoners in an effort to promote the Karzai administration’s reconciliation campaign.

PAN Monitor/mud

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