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Daudzai promises peaceful elections

KABUL (Pajhwok): Interior Minister Omar Daudzai on Tuesday promised the April 5 elections would be peaceful because his ministry had complete faith in the ability of Afghan security forces to deal with any challenge.

Addressing a gathering in Kabul, the minister said the war waged by militants was aimed to promote the interest of their foreign handlers. Daudzai added Afghanistan was passing through sensitive political and security transitions.

People must be concerned about the security situation, but the Ministry of Interior was completely aware of the capacity of Afghan forces and the weaknesses of militants, he said.

“Afghanistan would never plunge into chaos; it would remain steady and all national processes would be completed without any problem,” Daudzai assured.

The minister said the security situation had improved compared to the 2009 elections. Electioneering has been without any serious trouble so far.

Daudzai called the participation of women in the election process important. “I hope women will take part in the elections and will feel safe exercising their right to vote.”

He said proper security measures had been put in place to protect female voters. As many as 13,000 females have been trained on how to check female voters at polling stations.

Anar Kali Hunaryar, who represents the Hindu and Sikh communities in the Meshrano Jirga, urged women to fully participate in the elections and vote for a candidate having clear plans.


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