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Rebels can’t bust our morale: Gen. Sherzad

Rebels can’t bust our morale: Gen. Sherzad

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23 Mar 2014 - 15:47
Rebels can’t bust our morale: Gen. Sherzad
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23 Mar 2014 - 15:47

JALALABAD (Pajhwok): Officials in eastern Nangarhar province on Sunday said guerrilla attacks would not bust their morale, pledging continued efforts to hold transparent presidential elections.

At a condolence ceremony for the 10 policemen killed in last week’s suicide attack, Deputy Governor Mohammad Hanif Gardiwal said all Afghans had been shocked by the incident.

“But such cowardly acts will not succeed in undermining Afghan security forces’ morale. They will continue to provide security for the countrymen,” he added.

Police chief, Brig. Gen. Fazal Ahmad Sherzad, accused the militants of perpetrating violence at the behest of outsiders. However, police would not let them foment trouble or create a crisis, he promised.

“Just like the slain policemen, I’m ready to lay down my life for the sake of defending my motherland. I don’t care about consequences,” the police chief remarked. “The fighters don’t want an Afghan child to laugh; they are opposed to peaceful New Year celebrations.”

Sahibul Haq, whose brother in the police force was killed in the group assault, said they had been saddened by the loss. But at the same time, he added, they were happy that the police officer had embraced martyrdom.

“Another brother of mine is an Afghan National Army soldier and I myself am a government servant. We are duty-bound to serve this country,” he said, promising to encourage youth into swelling police ranks.



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