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Pakistan won’t forcibly expel Afghan refugees: MP

Pakistan won’t forcibly expel Afghan refugees: MP

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2 Jan 2015 - 12:04
Pakistan won’t forcibly expel Afghan refugees: MP
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2 Jan 2015 - 12:04

KABUL and reassured not to forcibly deport Afghan refugees, an Afghan lawmaker said on Friday.

Baz Mohammad Zurmati, who headed a seven-member Meshrano Jirga (Senate) delegation to Islamabad on Sunday, told Pajhwok Afghan News they held wide-ranging talks with Pakistani leadership and counterparts.

He said their talks with Pakistani officials concerned issues of mutual interests. The delegation included members of Meshrano Jirga and Wolesi Jirga or lower house of parliament.

Zurmati said they held wide ranging talks with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, his advisor on national security Sartaj Aziz and other senior officials.

Sharif assured support to Afghanistan’s peace and stability and said Afghan refugees would not be expelled by force, he said.

The Afghan delegation also voiced support for closer Afghanistan-Pakistan relationship focused on cooperation in political, trade and security areas.
The delegation’s visit was part of regular Parliamentarians’ Dialogue between the two countries. The delegation was led by Zurmati and MP Abdul Qader Zazai.

Senior Pakistani politicians like Senator Afrasiyab Khattak and Aftab Ahmad Khan Sherpao also attended the meetings.


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