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Key parties form supreme council against challenges

Key parties form supreme council against challenges

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27 Aug 2015 - 20:08
Key parties form supreme council against challenges
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27 Aug 2015 - 20:08

KABUL (Pajhwok): The Supreme Council of Jihadi and National Parties on Thursday announced its formation aiming to resolve the current challenges in the country and support the national unity government.

Ahmad Zia Massoud, first deputy head of the Jamiat-i-Islami Party and President Ghani’s special representative for reforms and good governance, Mohammad Karim Khalili, Wahdat-i-Islami party leader, Hazrat Sebghatullah Mujadedi, Jabh-i-Nejat Milli leader and Pir Sayed Ahmad Gailani, Mahaz-i-Islami party leader, attended the council’s launching ceremony in Kabul.

Sayed Hussein Anwari, Harakat-i-Islami party head, Qutbuddin Hilal, a senior member of Hezb-i-Islami Abdul Hakim Munib of Inqelab-i-Islami movement were among other leaders in attendance.

At the gathering held at the Intercontinental Hotel apart from Anwarul Haq Ahadi, Afghan Millat party leader, Mohammad Nazir Ahmadzai, Wolesi Jirga protection head, about 500 people attended the event.

Hazrat Sebghatullah Mujadedi said insecurity, administrative graft and foreign interference in Afghanistan’s domestic matters were challenges that brought these parties together for defending national interests.

He insisted on solution to problems through unity, saying they would support government’s good deeds and would point out mistakes.

Regarding foreign interventions, he said: “These people don’t descend from the sky. They cross our borders with all the equipment provided to them by our neighbors.”

Pir Sayed Ahmad Gailani, Mahaz-I-Milli party leader, said the council’s formation was aimed at addressing challenges that had gripped the people and the government. He said the council would work only for an independent and free Afghanistan.

Karim Khalili, Wahdat-i-Islami party leader, said: “Given the challenges, we believe it is necessary to form movements beyond our political and ethnic affiliations.”

He said the council was independent and did not represent any particular tribe. It would stand against government mistakes and supporting civil movements was their other priority, he said.

“In time of necessity we will stand by the government and our security forces against the threats we face. We’ll never allow groups like Daesh that are being imported to change Afghanistan into a haven for terrorism. We will also support a dignified peace process,” he remarked, urging leaders of other parties to be united and work for steering Afghanistan out of the current situation.

Ahmad Zia Masoud, Jamiat-i-Islami first deputy head and president’s special representative for reforms and good governance, said: “For the present and future of our country and for bringing security, political stability, resolving problems, fighting poverty and unemployment we have come together to find solutions and suggest them to the government.”

Qazi Mohammad Amin Waqad, a Hezb-i-Islami Afghanistan faction head, said Afghanistan’s current situation was fragile and expressed his concerns about the rise in civilian and security forces casualties, poverty and unemployment and drug addiction. “Recklessness and negligence will deteriorate the situation further.”

He said the council would not serve any personal interest but the interest of the whole nation. “Any type of monopoly would lead to despotism which will cause further instability.

Meanwhile, Anwarul Haq Ahadi, the Afghan Millat party leader, told Pajhwok Afghan News he was not a member of the council and attended the ceremony it as a guest. He said he was planning to announce an opposition party soon, but did not go into details.


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