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ETWA Concerns onTensions over IEC’s Secretary Recruitment

The recent recruitment of the secretary of election commission after prolonging disagreements among the body members  and the government’s meddling in the process contrary to the electoral law has raised serious concerns about the polling process, especiallyimpartiality and independence of the body.

Under paragraph (3) of article (22) of election law, the Independent Election Commission (IEC) has delivered list of three candidates for secretary post of the body to the presidential palace one month ago. The list of three contenders, which provided by IEC’s four commissioners, has witnessed a harsh criticism from other three colleagues, accusing the three over violation of principle of (impartiality and meetings organizing rules) during this selection process.

Finally the leaders of National Unity Government (NUG) after outsidepressureshas asked IEC contrary to article (22) to resend presidency a list of further candidates agreed by all commissioners.Recently, the IEC shared a list of eight-member contenders with the presidential palace.

As a civil society institution, ETWA is really sad and believesthe problems would be resolved, if the body referred to legal solutions, while article (22), paragraph (1) of article (18), paragraph (2) of article (20) paragraph (1) of article (16) of the election law cast light on this issue.If the IEC referred to the law, it could help resolve the body’s internal problems and guaranteed its independence against outside interventions.

Earlier, ETWA has expressed concerns through multiple press statements and release of analytical reports during the IEC commissioner’sselection process over intervention of political groups within the electoral system. It once again voices concern over adverse consequences of the IEC’s dependence and outsider’s meddlingin it, believing continuation of this situation will damage the democratic process.

ETWA calls on the IEC to consider suggestions of Civil Society, especially draft proposals the ETWA has released about electoral reform, preparations for next elections and working process of IEC. It also urges the NUG’s leaders to prioritize electoral reform in order to consolidating the young democracy and avoidingthose who say their meddling at the electoral system is the protection of national interests and national unity.

ETWA also asks political parties, civil society, media and political elites to step up efforts to ensuring genuine reforms through continued and effective advocacy.To create an effective monitoring mechanism, ETWA also calls onrelevant stakeholders to play their role in strengthening democracy through facilitatingnecessary financial and technical support for civil society and free media outlets.


شماره های تماس: 0708293045– 0706706720


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