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‘China ready to help accelerate Afghan peace process’

KABUL speed up national and political reconciliation, peace and stability, the foreign ministry in Beijing said on Thursday.

China supported Afghanistan in conducting peaceful reconstruction and advancing reconciliation. The ministry’s special envoy for Afghan affairs Deng Xijun attended the Kabul Process conference yesterday.

China stood ready to continue to play a constructive role for an early realisation of national and political reconciliation as well as peace, stability and development in Afghanistan, a statement from the ministry said.

The Kabul Process conference opened in Kabul to discuss security and peace. Representatives of several neighboring and other important countries, including China, participated.

The conference asked militants groups to agree on a ceasefire and start peace talks with the Afghan government immediately.

A statement from the Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued on Wednesday quoted the meeting’s participants as agreeing to a united approach against those refusing to join the political process and continue to provide the ground for foreign terrorists to operate in Afghanistan.

In addition, the statement said, the participants supported all Afghan security forces’ efforts to defend the people of Afghanistan and combat all terrorist threats‎ that affected the international community.


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