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US to continue backing NATO in Afghanistan

US to continue backing NATO in Afghanistan

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3 Dec 2020 - 12:24
US to continue backing NATO in Afghanistan
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3 Dec 2020 - 12:24


KABUL (Pajhwok): NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg believes Afghan peace negotiators can achieve progress even on tough issues.

On Wednesday, the Afghan government and Taliban announced reaching an agreement on procedures and rules for the peace negotiations in Doha.

At a virtual news conference in Brussels, the NATO chief said the negotiators were able to make progress. “This is important because the Afghans want peace, they deserve peace.”

He added all NATO allies and partners, who had been in Afghanistan for nearly two decades, hailed progress towards a peaceful political solution.

With hurdles yet to be overcome, he called the agreement an important first step. “It is encouraging to see it was possible to make that step today.”

Stoltenberg told a questioner top US officials, including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Secretary of Defence Miller, had repeatedly promised providing continued support to the rest of the NATO mission.

“Our military commanders have also assured me that, with those enablers and the clear commitment of the United States, we can continue the Mission,” he added.

The NATO would press on with mission in Afghanistan with its current configuration, he reiterated. “So we will continue our train, assist and advise mission.”

In February, the secretary-general said, a defence ministerial meeting would assess progress in the peace process and the situation on the ground before a decision of the future of a NATO presence was taken.

“It’s too early to say how the world will look like, how the situation in Afghanistan and in the peace talks in Doha, where they will be, how far have we been able to get? So that’s exactly why we will not make that decision today.

“But when we have better information, have seen how things have developed, then we will assess, coordinate and make decisions together at the February defence ministerial meeting.”

About the agreement, he said the important thing was that it was the first step — the first time the Taliban and the Afghan government were able to sign a document agreeing on the framework for negotiations.

“I’m absolutely certain that the only way is the ongoing intra-Afghan negotiations. Therefore, we support them, knowing that it will be difficult and fragile. But it is the only option for all of those who want peace in Afghanistan.”

PAN Monitor/mud

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