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Peace process: HCNR is the decision-making body

Peace process: HCNR is the decision-making body

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7 Dec 2020 - 09:21
Peace process: HCNR is the decision-making body
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7 Dec 2020 - 09:21

KABUL (Pajhwok): The content of the political agreement between President Ashraf Ghani and High Council for National Reconciliation (HCNR) Chairman Abdullah Abdullah and experts’ views suggest the council is final authority to make decisions on the peace process and related matters.

The HCNR came into being as a result of the political agreement between Ghani and Abdullah after the latter rejected the result of the 2019 presidential elections, alleging fraud and rigging.

Political experts hold different views regarding the powers of HCNR which held its first meeting on Saturday — six months after its creation.

President Ghani and HCNR Chairman Abdullah co-chaired Saturday’s meeting at the Presidential Palace.

On August 29, 2020, Ghani announced the establishment of HCNR under Abdullah’s chairmanship. The president also decreed members of the council’s leadership and political committee.

The members are divided in four categories — 19 non-governmental figures, nine government officials, eight women and 10 leadership members.

Among the non-governmental faces are former president Hamid Karzai, jihadi leader Abdul Rab Rasoul Sayyaf, HIA supreme leader Gulbadin Hekmatyar, Abdul Karim Khalili, Mohammad Mohaqiq, Abdul Rashid Dostum, Mohammad Younis Qanuni, Salahuddin Rabbani, Mohammad Ismael Khan, Atta Mohammad Noor, Syed Hamid Gilani, Zabihullah Mujaddedi, Syed Mansour Naderi, Enatyatullah Shahrani, Eng. Mohmmad Khan, Dr. Sadiq Mudabir, Mohammad Ismael Ghazanfar and Maulvi Khuda-i-Dad.

The Ulema Council head’s name was also mentioned but not written in the presidential decree.

Governmental figures in HCNR include Vice-Presidents Amrullah Saleh and Danish, Foreign Minister Hanif Atmar, Wolesi Jirga Speaker Mir Rahman Rahmani, Senate Chairman Fazal Hadi Muslimyar, Presidential Advisor Haji Almas Zahid, Maulvi Jora Tahiri and the state minister for peace.

Safia Sediqi, Najiba Ayubi, Mari Akrami, Zia Gul Rezae, Alya Yalmaz, Farida Momand, Sherin Oriakhel and ZarqaYaftali are women members of the council.

Dr. Abdullah, Abdul Salam Rahimi, Enayatullah Farahmand, Asadullah Saadati, Eng. Zahra Mutahri, Attaullah Saleem, Haji Din Mohammad, Mohammad Akram Khpalwak, Mohammad Massoum Stanikzai and Anwar-ul-Haq Uloomi are leadership committee members.

After the announcement of HCNR members, Abdullah rejected the structure and stated that in line with the political agreement, it was his authority to constitute the council.

Following consultations, the names of Rahmatullah Nabil, Syed Ishaq Gilani, Farkhuda Zahra Naderi and Shahzada Shahid were also added to the leadership committee.

But a well-placed source said the government apposed the inclusion of Nabil and Gilani one day prior to the inaugural meeting of the council. They were not sent invitations to the meeting.

HNRC should take decisions on peace:

At Saturday’s meeting, Abdullah said that the philosophy behind the creation of this council was to take final decisions and develop political consensus on the peace process.

HNRC spokesperson Faridon Khwazoon said the council administered matters related to the peace process and took final decisions in this regard. He added final decisions would involve all parties.

Mohammad Younis Qanoni, an HCNR member and former lawmaker, stressed the need for a single address to take decisions regarding the peace process. He told Saturday’s meeting: “I emphasise the power to take final decisions on the peace process should be logically transferred to HCNR.”

Hafeez Mansour, a member of the Afghan government’s negotiating team, in an exclusive interview with 1TV regarding the power and authority of HCNR, said: “The Presidential Palace has no power of its own. On line with the Ghani-Abdullah agreement, the negotiating team should respond to HCNR.

He added: “I want to say this again that the source which shall decide about the pros and cons of the peace process is the HCNR.”

Hezb-e-Islami Afghanistan (HIA) head Gulbadin Hekmatyar and Jamiat-i-Islami Afghanistan (JIA) chief Salahuddin Rabbani did not attend the inaugural meeting of HNRC.

Hekmatyar said: “We have some questions. Who picked members of this council? Who was consulted on their appointments? Is this selection on the basis of equal representation of the two teams? Is HCNR the final body on the peace process or does it just offer guidance and the final decision has to be taken by the Presidential Palace?”

He explained once his questions are answered and a powerful high decision-making council created with the the authority to take final decisions, his party would take a reasonable decision on participation in its huddles.

JIA spokesperson Abdul Fatah Ahmadzai said Salahuddin Rabani did not attend the inaugural meeting of HCNR because the body did not have the decision-making power on the peace process.

People to take final decision:

President Ghani, in his remarks at Saturday’s meeting, stressed the need for better management of the peace process to ensure the continuity of the system. He also emphasised on the enforcement of peace, empowerment of state institutions and forging regional consensus.

He did not speak directly about the powers of HCNR, but only called for the implementation of peace. He suggested any final decision on the peace process would be referred to the government.

Presidential Spokesperson Sediq Sediqi said the government and HCNR administered the peace process and a final decision on the terms of a peace agreement and power-sharing with the Taliban was the prerogative of the people of Afghanistan.

Without going into details, he said: “The range of HCNR decision-making and limits of the Presidential Palace’s authority are clear.”

Government’s chief negotiator Massoum Stanikzai, speaking to the National Radio Television, said when he was asked to share the latest developments with the Presidential Palace and Sapedar Palace: “We should differentiate between the Presidential Palace and Sapedar Palace. This has ben made clear in principle – with who the negotiating team shares developments in the peace process is a technical issue.”

HCNR decision is final:

Article 3 of the Political Agreement between Ghani and Abdullah says decisions and endorsements of HCNR are final. The council will endorse and lead on matters related to peace efforts.

According to this article, the negotiating team would perform its duty in line with the directions of the HNRC leadership. The team will implement instructions and strategies of the council and report to its leadership.

This article also states the president would call HCNR into session for consultations, when needed.

Gul Rahman Qazi, head of the Commission Monitoring the Implementation of the Constitution, insisted a final decision on the peace process was the prerogative of the HCNR.

“If there is a need for consultations, the president can provide those tips. But the authority of taking a final decision lies with HCNR,” he explained.

Discussions and debate on the powers of HCNR come at a time when government and Taliban negotiating teams have agreed, after 80 days of squabbles, on procedural rules for future talks.


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