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Iran wants foreign forces to leave Afghanistan

KABUL (Pajhwok): Iran gas called for an ‘orderly and responsible’ pullout of international forces from Afghanistan, describing their presence as a source of instability.

Iran’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, addressing a meeting of the Security Council on Afghanistan, stoutly supported the Afghan peace negotiations.

Ambassador Majid Takht-Ravanchi said a successful conclusion of the intra-Afghan dialogue needed flexibility and patience by all sides.

“Iran and Afghanistan enjoy common religious, cultural, linguistic and historical backgrounds, and our stability, socio-cultural development and economic growth are intertwined.”

Decades of insecurity and instability in Afghanistan would come to an end only through a comprehensive and inclusive Afghan-led peace process, he believed.

The diplomat stressed the need for involving all Afghan factions, including the Taliban, in the process that must be backed by neighbouring, regional and international partners, Ravanchi said.

He said the peace process must preserve and promote past achievements, particularly the present Constitution of Afghanistan, people’s right to self-determination through polls, the right of ethnic and religious minorities and women.

“However, as peace and violence cannot go hand in hand, to reciprocate the goodwill of the Afghan government in the peace talks, the Taliban must halt attacks against Afghan forces,” the ambassador explained.

Afghanistan’s security environment remained a source of concern, particularly due to the terrorist acts of Daesh, whose presence posed a threat to the security of the war-torn country and the region at large.

“The presence of foreign forces is another source of Afghanistan’s instability. However, as many countries have stressed, their withdrawal must be orderly and responsible …”

He also sought effective assistance to Afghanistan in fighting the production of and trafficking in illicit drugs as a source of financing terrorism and other crimes.

Besides hosting over 3 million Afghans, Iran had significantly promoted economic cooperation with Afghanistan. Linking this land-locked country to high seas and other countries the Chabahar Port, he concluded.

PAN Monitor/mud

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