Pajhwok Afghan News

Total Covid-19 infected patients stand at nearly 5,000 in Afghanistan

KABUL (Pajhwok): The Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) says nearly 5,000 people in Afghanistan are currently infected with Covid-19 and the rest others have been recovered.

According to MoPH, a total of 273,745 tests had been performed since the pandemic started in Afghanistan, and 55,520 of them were positive as well as a total of 2,430 people died of the disease in the country.

The ministry said that a total of 48,400 patients received from the virus.

Based on the ministry’s statistics, currently 4,665 people in Afghanistan are infected with Covid-19 with only limited number of them under treatment in hospitals.

Figures released by MoPH show that most or 18,358 people contracted the virus in Kabul, 9,146 in Heart, 3,382 in Balkh, 2,557 in Nangarhar, 2,497 in Kandahar and 2,078 in Takhar province since the virus outbreak.

From 500 up to 1,000 people have infected in Paktia, Parwan, Kunduz, Baghlan, Nimroz, Bamyan, Maidan Wardak, Badghis, Daikundi and Ghazni provinces, according to the ministry.

The source said that less than 200 cases have registered in Nuristan and Uruzgan provinces.

A total of 2,430 people have been died of the virus in Afghanistan with most of them or 780 belong to Kabul, the ministry said.

According to the ministry, Heart, Balkh, Nangarhar and Ghazni provinces respectively followed the level of deaths after Kabul.

The ministry said that a total of 87 health workers also died of the virus and around five others are currently infected.

Most of the health workers, 44 died in Kabul and 15 in Herat province, the ministry said. A total of 1,029 health workers in Kabul and 1,101 in Herat infected with the virus since its outbreak.


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