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50/50 power sharing in interim setup not fair: HCNR source

KABUL (Pajhwok): Fifty, fifty distribution of power between two sides in an interim government is not fair and there is no clarity about ceasefire in the strategy.

Recently, the US government shared a participatory government strategy with the Afghan government and some political parties.

Guidelines and principles for the future Afghan government, the constitution, interim government and durable ceasefire are three important features of the new US strategy.

According to the new strategy, the Taliban would be offered power in the new government and the constitution would be renewed.

But a member of the High Council for National Reconciliation (HCNR) told Pajhwok Afghan News that instead of renewing the constitution, it should be amended while the upcoming political system should be decided mutually.

The source said distribution of power 50/50 between the two sides is not justifiable while the appointment of the interim government head is also uncertain.

The source added the strategy did not specify ceasefire and there is no guarantee for a ceasefire. He stressed any regional guarantee shall ensure national unity and geographical integrity of the country.

Abdul Fatah Ahmadzai, spokesperson of Jamiat-I-Islami Afghanistan (JIA), said US Chief Negotiator Zalmay Khalilzad and JIA Head SalahuddinRabani had discussed peace related matter in a video call.

He said Rabbani informed Khalilzad about JIA stance on the peace process.

A well-placed source in Hizb-e-Islami Afghanistan (HIA) has said they did not receive the new US strategy.

The Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) in a statement stressed on ceasefire and resolution of conflict through political settlement.

“We support efforts for reducing violence and developing national, regional consensus and stress inclusive participation of Afghans in peace process. We want both sides to ensure general participation in peace talks and agree to peace on the generally acceptable principles and humanity,” according to the AIHRC.

The Human rights body says it received the participatory government strategy on March 5. The commission was busy in consultations on preparing a general guideline of human rights with all other relevant institutions defending human rights.

According to the US strategy, an interim peace government would be established after all sides agreed to the mutually agreed date. It has executive branch, parliament, judiciary and would last until the approval of the new constitution and when power is transferred to the newly elected government.

The strategy also included the Prime Minister Post as an option.

Interim government head and deputies could only serve in interim setup and they could not take part in the future government.

According to the strategy, head of the interim government would be responsible for internal and external security and would lead military board which would look after the merger of other elements in security forces and ensure reforms.

The Taliban members would be introduced to the existing parliament and both houses would function on the basis of internal principles until the end of interim government.

Some members of the Taliban would be introduced to the AIHRC and Provincial Councils.

Interim government’s head would introduce governors and heads of offices from the list provided by the Provincial Councils.

For the future constitution of the country the existing constitution would be used as a sample which would ensure the protection of children and women rights and would pave the way for future elections.

According to the US participatory government strategy, a 21-member commission would be established 30 days after the agreement to re-write the constitution.

Both sides would introduce 10 members each to the commission while the interim government head would introduce one member to prepare the draft constitution to the Loya Jirga. The Loya Jirga would be convened in cooperation with this commission and parliament.

The judiciary is the final body of dispute resolution and settlement of legal matters. Independent religious and high educated experts would be made part of its membership penal.

The strategy says that after the announcement of agreement within hours all military operations and group attacks would be stopped, but if any side violated the order, the matter shall be referred to the ceasefire commission. The Taliban are compelled to bring all their military installations and personnel inside the country and stop recruiting armed personnel.

The Ceasefire Commission is also part of the strategy that has nine members. Every side would introduce four members each and the ninth would be referred by the head of interim government. Three more international attorney generals would also take part in the commission.

The strategy is shared at a time when a high level meeting under the supervision of the United Nations is scheduled to be held in near future.


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