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US base in Helmand transitions to Afghan forces

KABUL (Pajhwok): Afghan security forces have taken control of a key US military base in southern Helmand province, the army says.

Camp Antonik transitioned to Afghan forces on Sunday, a day after the US military formally started pulling out its forces from Afghanistan.

All foreign troops were moving to the Bagram base in central Parwan province, officials said. From the biggest US base in Afghanistan, they will depart for their respective countries.

In Kabul, the Ministry of Defence said, as part of the drawdown, the US military transferred Camp Antonik to Afghan forces. The base will house Afghanistan’s special forces.

American soldiers lowered the US flag at the base and a group of Afghan troops raised the national flag.

The 205th Maiwand Corps confirmed the US military had formally handed over Camp Antonik to it. The handover ceremony was held at the Maiwand Corps headquarters.

“The leadership of the 205th Maiwand Corps appreciated the assistance and support of forces and said goodbye to them,” a statement from the military corps said.

“The Afghan military will intensify anti-terrorism operations and will target strongholds of terrorists in any area of the southwest of the country,” the statement added.



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