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Moscow, Dushanbe vow to ward off Taliban threat

Moscow, Dushanbe vow to ward off Taliban threat

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25 Jul 2021 - 12:29
Moscow, Dushanbe vow to ward off Taliban threat
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25 Jul 2021 - 12:29

KABUL (Pajhwok): Moscow and Dushanbe have conferred on joint measures to ward off threats from the Taliban to Tajikistan, says a media report.

TASS news agency reported Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and his Tajik counterpart Sherali Mirzo discussed the situation in Afghan-Tajik border areas on Saturday.

Sergei Shoigu promised his country would help Tajikistan build a new outpost on the border, the media outlet said. The allies will hold major military drills in August.

The foreign ministry in Moscow was quoted as saying: “The parties discussed joint measures to neutralise threats related to the escalating situation in Afghanistan.”

In an attempt to counter possible threats from Afghanistan, Russia has sent military equipment to Tajik areas bordering the war-torn countries.

PAN Monitor/mud

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