Pajhwok Afghan News

Sports activities increased under new regime: ANOC

KABUL (Pajhwok): The Afghanistan National Olympic Committee (ANOC) says that sports activities have increased under the new regime and a good opportunity for athletes has been made available to improve their skills.

Dad Mohammad Nawak, spokesman for the committee, said that the new regime supported the sports sector.

“With the arrival of the Islamic Emirate, several matches including boxing, Kung fu, volleyball, handball and basketball have been held in Kabul, and now football matches are underway between six teams in Kabul,” he said.

He says in addition to domestic competitions, an eight-member Paralympic team will travel to Tokyo, Japan, a six-member billiards and snooker team to Qatar, a seven-member Ping Pong team to Doha and taekwondo athletes to Pakistan.

Various sports competitions have also been organized in Nimroz, Khost, Kapisa, Nangarhar, Samangan, Takhar, Paktika, Kunar, MaidanWardak, Kunduz, Jawzjan and a number of other provinces so far, he said.

“We have decided to invite our sportsmen who traveled abroad for taking refuge to come back to the country,” he said.

About female athletes, Nawak said that a decision about female athletes would be also made in consideration of the new government’s rules.


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