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Upcoming Kandahar poet forced into selling soup

Upcoming Kandahar poet forced into selling soup

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18 Jan 2022 - 12:02
Upcoming Kandahar poet forced into selling soup
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18 Jan 2022 - 12:02

KANDAHAR CITY (Pajhwok): An upcoming poet, who pursued cultural activities and hosted a literary programme on a local radio, has been forced into selling soup on a handcart in southern Kandahar province.

Hayatullah Srak, a young man, has already published two collections of poetry -- My tears in your grief and I sleep in the shadow of your forelock

In an exclusive interview with Pajhwok Afghan News, the poet recalled he was previously involved in cultural activities and hosted a literary programme on a local radio station.

But now he has been compelled into selling soup at the side of the road, having lost his job in March last year.

Following the political change some five months ago, tens of thousands of educated people have lost their jobs and have since been in dire economic straits.

Srak complained financial constraints had forced him to sell soup in Kandahar to feed his children.

With the Taliban’s takeover of the country, the poet said he had seen lack of respect for educated people and the fact that many were leaving the country. He decided to start a personal business.

“Initially, like other educated individuals who have been sitting behind a desk for years, it was very difficult for me to choose another job away from my profession,” he commented.

He advised young people, who have lost their jobs, to be self-reliant for the sake of their families, to start small businesses and they would surely succeed.

Many other jobless journalists in Kandahar say the change in the political system had left countless educated people unemployed. Many more have left the country.

Mohtamim Saleh, a freelance journalist based in Kandahar, said he had been unemployed for the past five months.

He added: "I’m surprised that Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan is representing us and speaks of exporting qualified manpower to Afghanistan at a time when our educated people are unemployed."

According to him, if the current government really wants to run national affairs efficiently, it should hire educated and skilled people and show them respect.

He alleged professional and skilled workers were fired daily from government jobs and replaced with mullahs. who neither have professional knowledge nor work experience.


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