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Crackdown against Hijab, prayer violations in Mazar-i-Sharif ordered

KABUL (Pajhwok): The Department for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice in Northern Balkh province has directed its assigned ombudsmen to walk three days in different parts of Mazar-i-Sharif to prevent the violation of Hijab and list the names individual who don’t pray, according to a statement on Friday.

A meeting chaired by the Department Director Mawlavi Sardar Mohammad Haidar and it’s the department’s ombudsmen was held on Thursday in which some topic were discussed and certain decisions were made.

The source said the ombudsman of each municipality district will note the names of individuals who don’t pray and submit the list to the deputy director of police.

“A walks should be conducted for three days in the city in coming week to prevent the violation of Hijab,” the statement said.

It was also decided that on Saturday a meeting with the managers of weeding halls would be held regarding the prevention of music and other related issues.





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