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Tens of Faryab leather manufacturing factories closed

MAIMANA (Pajhwok):  Some leather workers in northwestern Faryab province have expressed concerns over the closure of tens of lather factories in the province which caused unemployment and stagnation of leather industry.

They said the import of fashionable and low quality goods and decline in the value of lather caused the decline of leather manufacturing and stagnation of this vital industry.

According to the Commerce and Industry Department due to the wrong polices of past governments and import of foreign goods of the 100 leather factories five factories are currently active.

Qalandar, the owner of one of the factories in the Sabz City of Maimana, has 45 years of experience in leather making said 30 factories were earlier active in this area, each factory hired up to 40 personnel while now three factories with few workers are functioning.

He linked the decline of leather industry and closure of factories with the import of foreign products and said: “Few years earlier people used the locally made shoes, slippers, bags, belt and other similar items.”

He, however, said in the past 20 years all these items with low price and attractive design imported and caused the eradication of leather industry.

Individuals associated with lather industry had quit their work, went to Iran or Turkey and engaged in some other activities.

He said: “Currently, up to 10 people working in my factory and they earn monthly up to 7,000 afs and earn their livelihood with immense difficulty, we cannot buy meat, rice or fruit once in a month, if we have another job at this moment we will quit this job.”

Qalandar referred to the cracks and ruins in his factory and said due to stagnation of lather industry the factory has nearly become a ruined place, adding that he was unable to rebuild the factory.

He said if the government and national businessmen support the lather industry, the lather factory could be revived and there would be job opportunities for the people.

Asadullah, the owner of another factory, said due to the decline in lather industry and fall of its market his colleagues quit their jobs and went to Iran to seek another job.

He said: “I have inherited lather work from my ancestors; I have to work to earn livelihood, the foreign products.”

Abdul Baseer, 30, is involved in lather work from the past 13 years, said his monthly income was not enough for his expenditures and wanted another work to do if provided and quit lather work.

He asked the government to stop the import of low quality items and invest on domestic products.

Sher Mohammad, a lather seller in the Kohi Khana area of Maimana City, also complained against the deteriorated market condition and said few years back 20 lather shops existed here while now four shops are remaining.

He said earlier hundreds feet of lather was sold in Faryab, Balkh and Kunduz provinces while currently up to 40 feet lather is sold weekly.

He linked decline in the lather industry with the deteriorated market condition and said: “The whole market is occupied by low-quality and cheap foreign goods, and due to economic problems, people prefer fashioned and cheap foreign goods over domestic products.”

Noor Ahmad Bilim, deputy administrative head of the Commerce and Industry Department, said due to the previous governments’ negligence and import of fashionable, low quality clothes the lather market and industry had suffered.

He said around 1,000 workers had lost their jobs while 95 factories had closed their doors.

He said the Commerce and Industry Ministry had organized exhibitions for national and international businessmen to promote local products. And in addition, ministry strived to support businessmen who work for the promotion and development of lather industry.


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