Pajhwok Afghan News

Customers decry low quality, expensive internet

KABUL (Pajhwok): Some residents of Kabul and other provinces complain about low internet speed and say the bandwidth service is expensive.

Kabul residents complain internet packages of telephone companies are expensive and they face many problems while using the packages.

Fazuludin Jalal, a resident of Qambar Square, told Pajhwok the internet sometimes was so weak that even a normal message could not be sent.

Azizullah, a resident of southern Kandahar province, also complained about weak and patchy internet service of telecom companies.

He said compared to the prices of internet packages, telecommunication networks did not provide quality services to their customers.

According to Azizullah, most customers’ money is spent on internet, internet is the need of life but it is expensive manifold compared to other countries.

Abdul Ghafoor, a resident of eastern Nangarhar province, shared similar complaint about internet: “Compare to our neighboring countries, the price of internet is very high and its quality is low.”

Mohammad Rafi, a resident of northern Balkh province, told Pajhwok that internet services of telecom companies were useless in some areas.

“The services of telecom companies are very weak, it works in one area, but not in another area”, he said.

Basir from Khost province said low quality telecom services were a nationwide issue.

He said: “Telecom companies do not provide voice services they announce to their customers, they need to provide services at a high level and in good quality.”

He and some others asked the government to pay serious attention to the quality of telecom services and their prices.

But Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology (MoTIT) spokesman Enayatullah Alokozai said that the ministry had created 591 new telecom sites in order to improve the quality of their services.

Enayatullah told Pajhwok the ministry had upgraded 300 telecom sites from 2G into 3G in some areas.

The MoTIT has also created a frequency control centre in Kabul at a cost of 188 million afs to prevent any disruption in the services.

The MoTIT also plans to create such frequency quality control centres in all zone of the country to prevent from conflicts between national frequencies and frequencies of other countries.

About the prices, Alokozai said: “Based on the current conditions and possibilities, the MoTIT has reduced the prices significantly, and will further decrease the prices if there is possibility.”

He said some areas still lacked access to telecom services, but 270 more new sites have been surveyed and they all will be activated in near future.

It is worth mentioning that some residents of some remote areas of the country have made similar complains about telecom services.


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