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250 acres cleared as anti-locust drive goes on in Badakhshan

FAIZABAD (Pajhwok): In response to complaints from farmers, a campaign to eradicate locusts invading crops has been kicked off in Khwahan district of northeastern Badakhshan province, an official said on Tuesday.

Qari Qutbuddin Dahnavi, agriculture irrigation and livestock director, told Pajhwok Afghan News following the complaints, a technical team of plants protection at the Department of Agriculture had launched a drive to eradicate locusts.

He said 150 litres of insecticide procured by the department would be sprayed in farmlands as part of the drive.

He said the team started the drive two days ago and had so far cleared 250 acres of farmland and the exercise was in still ongoing

He added the team had previously cleared locusts on farmlands in Kishm and Tagab districts of the province.

Meanwhile, farmers, while praising the agriculture department’s efforts, said if the influx of migratory locusts could not deal with on time, they would inflict heavy financial losses on farmers.

Faiz Mohammad, a farmer, said that their district was one of the most fertile districts in Badakhshan.

He urged the agriculture department to assist farmers by providing them with improved quality of seeds and fertilizers.




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