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Living in a digital world without telecom services

Living in a digital world without telecom services

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2 Jun 2024 - 14:27
Living in a digital world without telecom services
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2 Jun 2024 - 14:27

ARAH CITY (Pajhwok): Residents of the Kharmalaq area of Farah City complain about the absence of telecommunication services.

The area, inhabited by nearly 1,500 families, is situated 30 kilometres northeast of Farah City, the provincial capital, and has 35 villages.

A resident of Kharmalaq, Abdul Bari, told Pajhwok Afghan News despite the passage of two decades, they were still without telecommunication services.

Abdul Bari said: “If we want to inquire about someone’s health or have any other work, we have to walk several kilometers and climbed a hill to make a phone call.”

Abdul Hadi Muttaqi, another resident of the locality, also deplored the absence of telecom services.

He said: “About 1,500 families lived in the area. If someone wants to contact a person in the city, or vice versa, he/she will hand a letter to a motorcyclist for delivery to that individual.”

He said: “In today’s global village, It is a shame we are still living in a backward area whose people have to write letters instead of making phone calls to friends and relatives.”

Several other residents of Kharmalaq hold similar views and want the authorities concerned to find a solution to the problem.

Government officials also admit inhabitants of Kharmalaq area had no access to telecommunication services.

In remarks to Pajhwok, Telecommunication and Information Technology Director Abdul Majid Abuzar acknowledged residents of Kharmluq area had no access to telecom services.

The installation of an antenna had been approved for that area, he announced. The booster will be installed in a suitable location.

Abuzar, however, did not clarify when the data supplier would be installed or when it would jerk into action.

Residents of other parts of Farah province also complain about the lack of telecom services in their areas.

But provincial officials say they will bring all areas under telecom coverage this year and address the problems that are currently being experienced.




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