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Maternity ward at Badakhshan hospital reopens

FAIZABAD (Pajhwok): A 60-bed maternity ward at the provincial hospital in northeastern Badakhshan province has been reopened after three months of closure.

Modern CT Scan and hemodialysis machines have also been activated at the main provincial hospital.

Maulvi Mohammad Ishaq Sahibzadeh, an official of the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH), visited the hospital during his trip to Badakhshan.

He said 60-bed maternity wards at Badakhshan, Kandahar and Helmand hospitals had suspended functioning after a halt to fund payments.

He added: “Fortunately, today we are witnessing the reopening of this ward at the Badakhshan provincial hospital with funds from MoPH.”

The official assured hospitals, which had stopped functioning due to lack financial support from international institutions, would be reopened.

Criticising the world’s hollow philanthropic slogans, he alleged international institutions had not discharged their responsibilities to provide services to the people of Afghanistan.

No well-equipped hospitals and infrastructure facilities had been built in Afghanistan in the last two decades, he claimed.

He said many projects such as Qush Tepa Canal, Silk Road and TAPI gas pipeline were being executed in the country after the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s takeover.

Meanwhile, Badakhshan Public Health Director Qari Atiqullah Faizi also confirmed the reopening of the maternity ward.

He also announced the provincial hospital would be upgraded from 120 to 250 beds in the near future.




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