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900 get temporary jobs on Jawzjan projects

SHIBERGHAN (Pajhwok): At least 900 individuals have been provided with employment opportunities for 40 days in northern Jawzjan province.

Local officials say with the launch of canal-cleaning projects in Shiberghan, Khwaja Dokoh and Faizabad, jobs had been provided for 900 people.

Zabihullah Khirandish, spokesman for the Department of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Livestock, told Pajhwok Afghan News the project had been initiated by the department in cooperation with Action Aid.

He said the project had created temporary employment for 900 local residents for a period of 40 days.

He added: "Workers will be engaged in cleaning canals and preparing agricultural land from 8 am to 4 pm for 40 days. Each of them will receive 14,000 afghanis at the end of each project."

On the other hand, Abdul Nasir, a grower from Khwaja Dokoh district, said: "Cleaning canals not only increases the farm productivity but also helps expand usable agricultural land."

Shukrullah, a farmer from Faizabad district who also benefited from the project, said: "We are happy that job opportunities have been created in our own areas."

Both urged Islamic Emirate officials to make efforts for implementing more development projects to increase employment opportunities for youth.






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