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Unified exporting system draft deemed worthy of approval

KABUL (Pajhwok): The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs has approved a draft for setting up a unified system for exports by relevant agencies and ministries and has sent it to the economic commission of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) for final decision.

In a statement, the Deputy PM’s office said the technical commission held a meeting about the draft proposal yesterday in Kabul.

After discussions, the proposal to establish a single system for ministries and agencies involved in exports, taking into account the amendments made by the Technical Committee of the Economic Commission, was deemed acceptable and referred to the Economic Commission for final decision.

However, no details were provided about changes in the draft proposal.

According to this draft proposal, forgery of export documents will be prevented, the time and cost of exports will be reduced, the reliability of export guarantees will be increased, and overall, it will play an important role in increasing exports.




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