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Tirinkot bridge on the verge of collapse

TIRINKOT (Pajhwok): Residents have raised concerns about the deteriorating condition of a key bridge in the capital of central of Uruzgan province.

They warn if immediate measures are not taken, the the Mashinaab bridge on Trinkot River in Parangyan area could collapse.

The bridge, built serves as a crucial link for inhabitants of nearly 200 villages, as well as travellers from Charchino and Gizab districts — and even Daikundi province.

Locals say recent floods have severely damaged the southern part of the bridge, weakening its protective structures.

Bari Dad, an inhabitant of the Charmgar area of the provincial capital, recalled: “Recent floods have heavily damaged the southern side of link and with rising water levels, its protective structures are deteriorating.”

Similarly, Mohammad Wali, a driver from Charchino district, emphasised the bridge’s importance: “This is our only link to Trinkot city. If it collapses, we will be cut off.”

Last year, he pointed out, the main bridge in Chora district faced a similar fate. Due to delayed repairs, it eventually caved in.

Meanwhile, local officials confirmed recent floods had harmed several infrastructure projects in Uruzgan, including the Mashinaab and other bridges in Dehrawood district.

Governor’s spokesperson Hafiz Samiullah Akram said the Department of Public Works had been directed to assess and repair damaged sections of the bridge.

He assured residents all flood-damaged infrastructure projects would be rehabilitated soon.




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