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Home gardens help women spur family income

SAR-I-PUL (Pajhwok): In small, unpaved courtyards in the capital of northern Sar-i-Pul province, home gardens have not only enhanced beauty but also afforded women a productive source of income — helping those who once struggled meeting family expenses.

Carpet weaving to growing vegetables

Marzia, a 65-year-old woman from the Chaharbagh village of Sar-i-Pul City, spent making yarn and weaving carpets. However, the hard labour and meagre income made life difficult for her.

Three years ago, with the support of a relief organisation, she established a small garden in her courtyard, an initiative that transformed her life.

Now, every morning before sunrise, she walks through her vegetables, gently touching their leaves with hands — no longer haunted by the carpet-weaving toil.

With a smile of satisfaction playing across her visage, she says: “I no longer need to borrow money from anyone. I sell my vegetables and use the income to cover household expenses.

“This garden has not only provided me with an income but has also brought me peace. When taking care of the vegetables, I forget all my worries.”

Playing a crucial role in her seven-member family’s economy, she said: “The organisation handed me gardening tools and vegetable seeds and I did the rest on my own.

“By growing chives, mint, spring onions, radish, coriander, watercress and lettuce and selling them in the market. I have opened a new chapter in my life.”

Transforming family economy

For women who previously struggled with economic difficulties, small home gardens have become a source of hope and peace.

The cool verdure has not only improved livelihoods but also brought back women’s smiles that had faded as a result of financial hardships.

In Chaharbagh village, 50-year-old Shireen established a little vegetable patch in a corner of her courtyard four years back. Currently, the garden helps enrich her family meals besides bringing her a stable income.

Over three months of winter, Shireen earned more than 20,000 afghanis. The woman says she no longer needs financial support from her husband.

Although she suffers from back pain, Shireen enjoys growing vegetables and occasionally hires a worker for heavy gardening tasks.

“Previously, I was always worried and thought so much about non-issues. Unemployment leads to stress and mental pressure. But now that I work in my garden, my mind feels at ease. I am no longer as anxious as before, I feel good and I even visit the doctor less often because this garden’s peace has become my medicine,” she commented.

Beefing up household earning

Masooma, a 22-year-old woman who started gardening two years ago, now earns 200 afghanis daily by selling vegetables. Her husband, a rickshaw driver, also contributes to the family income.

She explained: “We are a family of six and for households in a weak financial situation, having home gardens is a great blessing. Now, I cover our day-to-day expenses from this garden and it is a good job for me.”

At the same time, Malika Sadat, a female entrepreneur in Sar-i-Pul, believed when women had income sources, many family problems could be resolved.

“In every home where a woman contributes to the family economy, there is less domestic violence because most problems stem from financial woes,” she argued.

Sadal urged the government and society to create more job opportunities for women to help address social and economic challenges.

Meanwhile, the Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock Department announced 137 women had been helped with setting up home gardens this year in Sayyad and Sancharak districts, as well as the provincial capital.

Damla Sharifullah Mosadeq, director of the department, said the women had become part of the workforce.

He recalled similar programmes were implemented in previous years, benefiting many women. Efforts would be made to expand these initiative to create more income opportunities for women, he promised.


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