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President forms team to probe children’s death

President forms team to probe children’s death

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8 Apr 2013 - 17:40
President forms team to probe children’s death
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8 Apr 2013 - 17:40

KABUL) airstrike in the Shigal district of eastern Kunar province.

The air raid came during a joint operation by Afghan and coalition forces in the Shultan area of the district late on Saturday. At least seven women were wounded in the bombardment.

A statement from the Office of Administrative Affairs at the Presidential Palace said Karzai had appointed a team to probe the civilian deaths in the remote valley near the Pakistan border.

Led by Shujaul Mulk, the president’s advisor, the delegation includes representatives from the cabinet, the parliament, Office of Administrative Affairs, spy service and ministries of interior, defence and IDLG.

Earlier in the day, parliamentarians also strongly condemned the killings and called for the prosecution of the perpetrators.

One lawmaker from Kunar, Shahzada Shahid, claimed 13 civilians were killed in the raid that had deeply saddened residents. “Why has no one been terminated so far and why are ground operations not conducted instead of air raids?” he asked.





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