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Clerics declare suicide attacks un-Islamic

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5 Aug 2013 - 00:36
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5 Aug 2013 - 00:36

KABUL): Religious leaders on Sunday declared suicide attacks as haram (illegitimate) and illegal, asking insurgents to shun such acts of violence.

Addressing a gathering of religious scholars in Kabul, the Afghanistan Qayamuddin Kashaf, strongly condemned Saturday’s suicide attack on the Indian consulate in eastern Nangarhar province.

The blast in front of the Indian consulate in Jalalabad City killed at least eight people and injured 22 others. The dead and wounded include children.

Kashaf said the attack took place near a mosque, killing several innocent people, including children, who had come to the mosque to offer prayers.

He said Islam prohibited killing the innocent and such killers would be severely punished in the hereafter life.

Kashaf said instead of allowing peace to prevail in the holy month of Ramadan and sending out the message of brotherhood, the insurgents carried out bloody attacks in violation of Islamic teachings.

Kashaf once again called suicide attacks as illegal and against Islam and called on insurgents to give up insurgency and join peace parleys.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the United States Embassy in Kabul have also condemned Saturday’s group suicide attack in Jalalabad.




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