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Another campaigner for Abdullah killed

Another campaigner for Abdullah killed

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1 Mar 2014 - 17:18
Another campaigner for Abdullah killed
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1 Mar 2014 - 17:18

MAIMANA (Pajhwok): Yet another campaigner for presidential candidate Dr. Abdullah Abdullah was killed in a bomb attack targeting a campaign convoy in northwestern Faryab province on Saturday.

The roadside bomb ripped through the vehicle of Abdullah’s campaign team chief in Faryab, General Farooq, in the Almar district late on Friday, said Ghulam Sakhi Naveed, the campaign team’s deputy chief.

He told Pajhwok Afghan News one of their team members was killed and another wounded in the attack.

But police chief Col. Tooryalai Abdyani said the dead and the wounded did not belong to Abdullah’s campaign team, saying they were illegal gunmen.

One gunman was killed and another wounded when a roadside bomb struck their motorcycle, he said.

A month ago, two members of Abdullah’s campaign team were killed by unidentified gunmen in western Herat province.

A week later of that incident, an influential individual, who had been campaigning for Abdullah in Sar-i-Pul province, was killed.


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