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Cabinet formation reaches final stage: Ghani

Cabinet formation reaches final stage: Ghani

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7 Jan 2015 - 00:40
Cabinet formation reaches final stage: Ghani
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7 Jan 2015 - 00:40

KABUL (Pajhwok): President Ashraf Ghani on Tuesday said the cabinet’s formation had reached its final stage and the delayed announcement was coming soon.

Addressing provincial council members from 10 provinces at the Presidential Palace, the president said they wanted the upcoming cabinet to reflect a real image of the national unity.

He said the cabinet would be announced soon and its members would be responsible to people in every corner of the country, a statement from the Presidential Palace quoted the president as saying.

Ghani listened to suggestions and problems expressed by the provincial council members from central Kabul, Kapisa, Logar, Parwan, Maidan Wardak, Daikundi, Panjsher, northwestern Badghis and western Ghor provinces.

The president congratulated the PC members on assuming office and said he would embark on visits to all provinces to meet public representatives and discuss with them problems and work with them on peace, prosperity and security for the people.

He appreciated the election of young PC members and briefed them on issues and challenges facing Afghanistan. The president linked the country’s development to its security.

The unity government was committed to eliminating corruption from government entities and would soon initiate action in this regard, the president said.

Earlier in the day, Chief Executive Officer Abdullah Abdullah addressed the same PC members in a separate meeting and told them the cabinet would be announced within days to end people’s wait.

Tuesday marked the unity government’s first 100 days in office. When President Ghani was inaugurated on Sept. 29, he promised to announce a cabinet in 45 days. Since then, the president had missed his own several deadlines to form the cabinet.




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