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Islamabad desires deeper economic ties with Kabul

Islamabad desires deeper economic ties with Kabul

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9 Mar 2015 - 11:21
Islamabad desires deeper economic ties with Kabul
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9 Mar 2015 - 11:21

KABUL including Torkham-Jalalabad Highway.  

Hazrat Omar Zakhilwal had a telephone conversation with Dar, exchanging views on Pak-Afghan economic cooperation. The finance minister made special mention of the Torkham – Jalalabad Highway for which funds had already been released. He added that Rehman Baba School boys hostel would be completed by May this year.

Finance Minister reiterated Pakistan’s resolve to develop a strong partnership with Afghanistan with increased road-railways connectivity and emphasis on energy projects.

He specially referred to CASA-1000, TAPI and other investment ventures. The minister said he eagerly looked forward to Afghan government’s response on Afpak-PTA and draft Trilateral Agreement on Transit Trade between Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan.

Zakhilwal said: “We are grateful for your personal kind attention to issues that are proving important in strengthening the relationship between our two brotherly countries. The President conveyed his warmest regards and appreciation as well”. Zakhilwal who is also Economic Advisor to the Afghan President, specially lauded the progress made in facilitation of Transit Trade.

Zakhilwal acknowledged all efforts for furtherance of Pak-Afghan economic cooperation, particularly in the backdrop of the Afghan president’s visit to Pakistan and the APTTCA on 1st and 2nd January in Islamabad.

He also conveyed President Ashraf Ghani’s appreciation and warm regards to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Finance Minister Dar.

The finance minister said that Pakistan attached high priority to realization of peace and economic development in the brotherly country and the economic projects it had undertaken epitomize the present government’s due care for the Afghan brethren.

He said senior officials in all concerned ministries had been assigned the task to ensure implementation of decisions taken during the Afghan President’s visit. Considerable progress, as also acknowledged by Zakhilwal had been made for transit trade facilitation, Dar added.


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