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FM, Iranian envoy discuss situation in Afghanistan

FM, Iranian envoy discuss situation in Afghanistan

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10 Aug 2021 - 10:35
FM, Iranian envoy discuss situation in Afghanistan
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10 Aug 2021 - 10:35

KABUL (Pajhwok): Foreign Minister Mohammad Hanif Atmar met Iran’s special envoy for Afghanistan Ebrahim Taherian on the latest security developments in the country.

Atmar hailed the outcomes of the recent UN Security Council meeting as important for ending violence and finding a political solution in Afghanistan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.

He also referred to Kabul’s proposal to hold special sessions of the Security Council and the UN Human Rights Council on issues related to Afghanistan.

Atmar welcomed the constructive role of regional and international countries, particularly Iran, in stopping Taliban attacks on cities, as well as convincing the group to return to the negotiating table.

Taherian, expressing his concern over the security situation in the country, assured the foreign minister of Tehran’s readiness for comprehensive cooperation with Afghanistan.

Atmar and the Iranian envoy also discussed ways to strengthen regional cooperation to address the security situation in Afghanistan and the imminent Doha meeting.


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