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9 Jun 2020 - 13:30
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9 Jun 2020 - 13:30

In 2017, World. This report affirmed learning in afghanistan as critical and pointed out that schooling system should be changed. This was merely one of the studies that has been done about learning and schooling in Afghansitan. Likewise, the new updated studies also reiterate learning crisis in Afghansitan certain context. All the studies have been done, support new effective method so as to foster students’ learning and education quality in Afghanistan.

The above concern is really serious. We must take some steps with reference to learning crisis. Some indispensable points are recommanded here in new competency-based education approach to overcome learning crisis in Afghansitan:

By adopting new competency-based educational approach, public optimism will also surge up. It apears that the optimism is based on the improvement of educational quality. Afghans hold out hope that their children will expereince quality education at schools. To be more realistic, it will take time to apply the new method appropriately. The onus is on us to apply the new method in the best possibel way and make it reconcile with the Afghan schooling system to be effective enough.

A number of countries have adopted CBE, besides receiving national and international prestige, are known as possessing successful educational systems. A clear example of CBE adaptation in Finland in Europe.

It will be really productive if we incorporate CBE into schools, teachers’ performance, textbooks and teacher’s manuals. Well-designed CBE in textbooks and instructional materials, and qualified teachers performance with providing rich setting, underpin new competencies. Furthemore, it will help students for mastery learning in schools. In this respect, students will receive more educational courtesies. Besides, promoting school facilities is substantial to support learning effectively. The new curriculum, in terms of providing adequate facilities, will be enjoyable for students as well.

Henceforth, the main activities should be submitted to teachers so as to build their students’ blocks in competency-based education. Accordingly, teachers should design some meaningful activities to help students. They should also help learners to internalize life competencies unlike the current traditional system as teachers simply seek to transfer their stock of knowledge to students with disregard to productive activities. Learning starts by thinking. As a result, students are likley to pay more attention to brainstorming. Teachers should teach brainstorming skills through diverse activities in the classroom.

On the whole, inclusive stakeholders include education officers, teachers, principals, headmasters, parents, etc. to get used to new envirohment with new learning approach. Changes in their mindset is significant for new curriculum. They should learn how to learn, practice, and perform new behaviors. Changes in mindset are to be the core concept in new curriculum to be applied by the Ministry of Education. The new curriculum will bring about new changes in new contexts by the changes of mindset. Bringing changes into the society as well as individual behaviors are possible by prescribing manuals in schools.

In addition to the above features, curriculum management is considered fundamental in education quality and learning. Simutinousely, Its vital to draw a picture of future curriculum domains and cycles changes. Afghansitan cetain context requires a new and inclusive curriculum management model. Such a model is essential and helpful for Afghan educational context.

The current curriculum management model is questionable. It does not help education quality and learnig improvement. Curriculum management should be included in curriculum reform in the Ministry of Education. Otherwise, neither will we be able to experience education quality nor overcome the learning crisis.

To sum up, the new curriculum as golden opportunity, will help Ministry of Education to overcome learning crisis in the country, and  reconstruct the current Curriculum Mangement Structure (CMS). In the meantime, Ministry of Education could improve education quality and learning by qualified teachers. They should boost their capacity according to new competency-based educational method. On the other side, parents as an important element of educational quality improvement, must take parental responsibility related to their children. The new adopted approach is not possible to be implemented unless parents give hand and feedback to schools. They could help their children by participation in school actities. Thus, it will be helpful if we all fulfill our responsibilities in the society for the implementation of new curriculum.

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Author's brief introduction

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<p>Amin Danish is an academic and professional member of general directorate of curriculum development and compiling of textbooks. He can be reached at [email protected]</p>



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