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Pakistanis among 30 militants killed in Nangahar

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4 Jul 2011 - 19:53
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4 Jul 2011 - 19:53

JALALABD (PAN): Sixteen Pakistanis were among 30 militants killed in clashes with a joint Afghan-international security force during an operation in eastern Nangahar province, officials said on Monday.

The militants from Pakistan lawless tribal region of Waziristan were killed in the Khugyani district, the Sherzad district chief, Aseel Ahmad, told Pajhwok Afghan News.

The dead included a rebel commander Dilwar, he said, adding another 14 Afghan insurgents, including a commander identified as Qari Ismail, were killed in an area between Khugyani and Sherzad districts in clashes with security forces backed by air support, the official said.

The governor spokesman, Ahmad Zia Abdulzai, said the operation was carried out in Markikhel and Balakhel areas. He said it was a joint offensive by Afghan and NATO-led international security assistance force. Civilians and the joint forces suffered no casualties during the operation, he said.

However, a Taliban spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid, claimed the operation resulted in the deaths of 13 fighters and seven civilians.  The fighters killed 28 soldiers, he said.

A tribal elder in the area, Haji Safiullah, insisted civilians had suffered no casualties in the operation.

A statement issued from ISAF said more than 15 insurgents were killed in Sherzad district.


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