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Istanbul summit on Afghanistan next week

Istanbul summit on Afghanistan next week

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27 Oct 2011 - 17:08
Istanbul summit on Afghanistan next week
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27 Oct 2011 - 17:08

ISLAMABAD (PAN, as well as economic cooperation among the three countries.

Pakistan attached great importance to all trilateral and multilateral processes on Afghanistan and supported initiatives in this regard, a Foreign Office spokeswoman told reporters in Islamabad on Thursday.

Zardari would fly on Monday to Istanbul at the invitation of his Turkish counterpart to attend the trilateral meeting on bringing stability to Afghanistan, Tehmina Janjua told a weekly media briefing.

Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar would lead Pakistan’s delegation to a regional conference on Afghanistan, scheduled for Wednesday in Turkey. “We envisage this conference as a platform to express solidarity with Afghanistan.”

She reiterated Islamabad’s support for Afghanistan’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, economic prosperity and an inclusive process of reconciliation. “Pakistan supports a secure, peaceful and prosperous Afghanistan contributing to stability, security and prosperity in the region.”

Janjua said the concept of developing a mutually beneficial partnership between Afghanistan and the region was important. “We believe the Istanbul Conference should manifest in tangible terms its support for Afghanistan on the basis of established principles of inter-state conduct enshrined in the UN Charter.”

Participants of the conference should promise full support for eliminating terrorism, as well as drug production and trafficking in psychotropic substances in the region, the spokeswoman suggested.


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