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Work on school buildings launched in Nangahrar

JALALABAD (PAN): Construction work on two buildings for schools was launched in eastern Nangarhar province on Thursday, while a similar project was completed in central Logar province, officials said.

The two buildings are being constructed in provincial capital, Jalalabad city, and Sararud district with an estimated cost of $369000 (18,058,900 afghanis), Education Ministry officials said.

The ministry spokesman, Muhammad Asif Shinwari, told Pajhwok Afghan News construction work a building for a conference hall at the Araban High School in Jalalabad was already underway with financial support from the Rotary International Institute.

“We had no such halls in high schools and this hall would prove beneficial,” he said.

Nangarhar Education Director Allah Dad Ismailzai said construction work on a 20-room school building in Upper Sultan Pur area of Sararud district had been initiated. Funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency JICA), the project would cost $300,000 and would take a year to complete, he said.

Elsewhere, construction work on a school building was completed in Muhammad Agha district of Logar province with a cost of $ 32000.

Funded by the World Bank, the building was constructed over an acre of land, said Abdul Mateen, the provincial education director.




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