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Special unit well-equipped for night raids: Azimi

Special unit well-equipped for night raids: Azimi

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10 Apr 2012 - 20:25
Special unit well-equipped for night raids: Azimi
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10 Apr 2012 - 20:25

KABUL): The Afghan Special Operations Unit has enough equipment to conduct nighttime raids and other offensives, Ministry of Defence officials said on Tuesday — two days after a memorandum of understanding was signed with US troops on the issue.

night raids said the

Defence Minister Gen. Abdul Rahim Wardak and International Security Assistance Force Commander Gen. John Allen inked the MoU on the ticklish issue in Kabul on Sunday.

The accord gives Afghan forces the lead role in special operations, a critical security responsibility in Afghanistan, the NATO-led force said.

Speaking to Pajhwok Afghan News, defence ministry spokesman Gen. Zahir Azimi said the unit had the same tools that foreign soldiers used during nighttime operations.

“In case of need, we can ask foreign troops for air support in accordance with the agreement,” he said, explaining that NATO-led soldiers could not enter Afghan houses.

Hoping that Afghan-led night raids would reduce opposition from the countrymen, he said the aversion essentially stemmed from foreigners’ involvement. Not endorsed by Afghan authorities, the raids’ target had often been unclear, he continued.

The Special Operations Unit will keep in mind the Afghan culture during security operations and prevent civilian casualties, the spokesman said. The force had enough night raid experience and techniques, he insisted.

Although the unit is currently based in Kabul, it could conduct special operations in any part of the country. The special force will also be deployed to the provinces.




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